When Palermo Came Marching In
The Italian French Quarter in New Orleansby Helen Colella Building around a location known as the Old Square and dubbing it the French Quarter, the French founded the city of New Orleans in 1718. The city’s oldest neighborhood, the French Quarter became a melting pot of many cultures, from French and Spanish to African and…
John La Barbera on Arranging – Part 1
John La Barbera’s “On Arranging” series begins with the art of arranging and advice on “line.”
The La Barbera Brothers: Jazz DNA
It’s an interesting phenomenon how certain families enter and distinguish themselves in this marvelous world of jazz—The Joneses, Heaths, Candolis, Royals, Breckers, Mangiones, and others. interview by Nicholas F. Mondelo
Buddy Rich Remembered
At the risk of further popularizing a certain piece of underground trash, I would like to address the notorious Buddy Rich scream tape that has become gospel in the history of the World’s Greatest Drummer.